The Best Car Company In The world? With Martin Koelling, Handelsblatt

Posted By on Jun 29, 2020 in Events |

It’s difficult to really like Toyota. The cars are a little boring. The president is no Elon Musk. Cars are not quite politically correct, in any case. And the theme of Japanese manufacturing prowess is both well known and increasingly unconvincing.

But we should not stop there. The auto industry is Japan’s most important industry. And within that, Toyota is the most important company. In other words, Toyota is the most important company in Japan.

Our speaker Martin Koelling is Tokyo’s most eminent German language foreign correspondent. Fluent in Japanese, Chinese and English, a fan of cars and all kinds of technologies, a resident of Japan for 25 years and married to a Chinese, he has all the qualities to give a sympathetic and lively analysis of this Japanese national champion.

Martin will explain why Toyota will emerge from this crisis stronger than ever. It has avoided the dreadful scandals of VW’s Dieselgate; its president is respected by the public, the government, and most importantly the workforce; it learned the lessons of 2008; and it has made the right bets on the future in terms of technology and business models. In short, he will show why Toyota is not only the best company in Japan, but also the best car company in the world.

Delphi on Zoom inspired by the Whatsapp sub-group AUTO

Wednesday 3-4pm

Members: 2,000 yen; non-Members 5,000

A Zoom link will be sent at 3.40pm for those who want to join early to ‘network’ virtually.

A list of attendees’ profiles and emails will be sent out after the event only to actual attendees.

Invoicing will follow the event.

Speaker time: 20 minutes

Q&A time: 40 minutes

Speaker profile: Martin Koelling